
Create Artist Listing

Need A Little Help? Preview An Example Artist Page

Listing Name

This is how your name will appear in the artist list and the search fields.

Mailing Address

For our internal use only. This addresss will not be publicly shared on our website.

Listing Visibility

Do you want to hide the listing while you update the content?

Do you want to hide the calendar on your artist page?

Status Update

What’s going on? What are you working on? When are you preforming next?

Listing Image

The main image used on the detail page of your listing.

The image should be .jpg or .png format,
250px wide at 72 dpi.

Need a free photo resizer/editor?
Try PicMonkey.

Background Info

Where is the artist from?

This should be a couple paragraphs about the artist.

The label. (Optional)

The birthday of the artist.

Contact Info

The website of the artist. (Optional)

The email address displayed in the artist’s listing. (Optional)

The phone number displayed in the artist’s listing. (Optional)

Music Websites

A link to the artist’s music on iTunes. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s music on AppleMusic. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s music on Spotify. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s music on Spotify. (Optional)

Embedded Spotify stream. (Optional)

Open Spotify artist page, click on the "..." button next to the Follow button, click "Copy Spotify URI", then paste it here (right click in the field and click paste).

Social Websites

A link to the artist’s page on Facebook. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on Twitter. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on Pinterest. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on Instagram. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on GooglePlus (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on LinkedIn. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on Flickr. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on YouTube. (Optional)

A link to the artist’s page on YouTube. (Optional)

YouTube Video

URL of an individual video already uploaded to YouTube. (Optional)

Other Links

Any other website links. Provide the URL link then the link label that will appear on the button.
Be sure to use the http:// prefix before any URL. (Optional)


Upload up to four photos. Please resize photos to
400px wide by 400px tall at 72dpi
before uploading. (Optional)

Need a free photo resizer/editor?
Try PicMonkey.

Introduction used when you are a featured artist.

Listings with large file attachments (photos & songs) can take a few minutes to process. Please do not refresh the page or submit more than once.
Your listing will not be saved until you click Submit.