We are a “not for profit" venue, not a business. Consider us a big house party, literally! We ARE actually a residence (!) and do not sell ANYTHING at our shows. Also, since we're not a business, we do not have a business account and do NOT accept credit cards as payment (so be sure to bring cash or checks, especially for merchandise that the artists sell and tips for the opening act). All prices listed are DONATION values that go directly to the artists. (Ex: Seats = $20 donation directly to the artists.) You are welcome to bring a small ice chest, food; well behaved dogs… whatever (reasonable that is)!! Remember, ALL shows start at 8:00pm and doors open at 7:30pm (unless otherwise stated).
As a "not for profit" venue, music is our thing, not the money. If you have the time for some GREAT music, drop Chris a note (at cmaxwell@premier.net) and he’ll reserve your seat(s). Consider yourself a VIP as you help out by kicking up an extra $10 donation per seat to aid with food and lodging for the artists (since they are traveling through). We can arrange some preferred, comfy couch seating for you and your crew as VIPs. (And you get the satisfaction of knowing your extra $$ helped pay for a hotel room and meal for a traveling artist.)
And we also ask that you bring a canned good to every show. We are collecting canned goods for the Baton Rouge Food Bank. As my dad would say, "Let’s overflow that barrel and help some hungry folks. C’mon, y’all, let’s clean out those pantries!!"
Reserve early and reserve often! It's listeners like you that have kept these wonderful talents coming back year after year to our little slice of music heaven! Thank you for all of your beliefs and support in our musical venture!
ALL shows start at 8:00pm and doors open at 7:30pm.
Please e-mail Chris at cmaxwell@premier.net to make reservations for ANY and ALL of these shows!!!!
2401 Florida St, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
View Map
(225) 939-7783
All shows start at 8:00 pm unless stated otherwise. Doors open at 7:30.
You are welcome to bring a small ice chest, food; well behaved dogs… whatever (reasonable that is)!!
Cash and Checks only
Depends on the show. Click show on calendar below for details.
Casual Attire
Live Music